miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2007

Tangier Morocco

Alrighty, here we go. This is our trip to Morocco. 10 of us went, 5 guys, 5 girls. We went through a travel agency so we got our ferry ride and 2 nights in a 4 star hotel for only 65 euros, which is really incredible. This is part of the group in the ferry port waiting to get on the boat. We were supposed to leave at 5:30, but in true Spanish fashion we didn't even board til 6:15. Awesome...
Yeah, we saw a pretty sweet sunset on the ferry on the way over.
So the first night we decided to go for a little stroll on the beach, that was 100 yards from the front door of our hotel. So our hotel faced the ocean, and all we had to do was walk out the front door to get to the beach. It was awesome.
Carine and I in front of some big palace in Tangier. We had this awesomely hilarious 75 year old Moroccan tour guide. He spoke some 7 or 8 languages. His english was pretty entertaining. The whole time he'd be like, "no, we don't do shopping now, we shop later. We ride camels now. You want to ride camels? yeah we ride camels now..." He was great. Oh and he was really short, darm skinned of course, carried a cane and shuffled his feet when he walked. I kid you not, he totally reminded me of Yoda. I even took a video of him walking so I can show you when I get back to the states just how much this guy looked and moved like Yoda.
Ya I rode a camel. Good times. I never rode one in Israel cause it woulda cost a whole dollar and goodness knows that was too expensive for some ;) So I payed the euro here and rode the camel in a circle. Pretty weird/cool.
Yeah, i liked the ride so much I moved in on him. I went 90 but he didn't come the 10. Thankfully he didn't spit in my face either.
This is our whole group at some cool lookout point in Tangier.
So we stayed at a really nice hotel. We decided to spend an hour and half and relax from our tough lives of shopping in the Arab markets and hanging out. So we got some sun.
That night we had dinner in the hotel. This is our whole group -Cora who was taking the picture. During dinner they had some Moroccan traditional entertainment that was pretty cool. The meal was pretty average. But I liked it more than I thought I would.
Yeah that dude danced around and spun that try of lit candles on his head, it was incredible.
These dudes danced around, did some really athletic stuff while playing these instruments.
The next day we went to this small fishing village called Asilah. As you can tell it was right on the coast. I'm gonna be spoiled by all the beaches I visit:) I'm gonna get back to Kansas and I won't know what happened.
Yeah, a tribute to my brother Jon Stuck. After Asilah we went right back to the hotel to check out, catch the ferry and head back to Spain. Spain has never seemed so great. We had a great time though. I bought some cool Moroccan stuff for cheap in the Arab market. We all got back safe and noone got sick. We had a great time and never felt threatened. Although apparently Tangier is a marijuana haven, cause I got offered 'hash' about 40 times in 2 days, no exaggeration. It was ridiculous. But the first guy to ask was pretty funny. In broken English he says, "I got good stash, you want hash?" I was pretty taken aback by the creative rhyme and all, but I still said no:) Well I hope you enjoyed the pics. Some day I'll put some pics up of the school. But not yet...not yet. (yup subtle Gladiator reference...)

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Nice pics, bro. Looks like your trip was very cultural. Just one question: is there a studying part of this semester spent "studying abroad"? Because right now I'm thinking I definitely should have "studied abroad" in Italy or Hawaii or Cancun or something.

TBCJim dijo...

Thx for the pix from Morocco, Craigers. Or were they??? Hard to find any proof there. In between hotel and beach, did you actually see any uh, real live Moroccans? Any foto proof that you visited an Arab market? On the other hand, rumor has it you've been sicker than a dawg ever since, so that's good evidence you may have gotten down and dirty in North Africa.