lunes, 5 de marzo de 2007

Holy Toledo!

Alrighty, well this is Toledo. And these are the windmills from Don Quixote, really they are which is pretty darn cool. And that castle is cool too. There was a shephard with a huge flock of sheep at the bottom of the hill. Cool stuff
And this is me and Adam. We decided we're gonna take pictures like this whenever we find posts, so get used to them. This is also on top of the mountain at quixote's windmill.
This is the cathedral at Toledo. And this is a really cool picture off of a reflection off a door accross the street. Definitely Micah's idea but I copied it cause i thought it was really cool.
Inside the cathedral, it was pretty tight
This dude is making gold medallions for necklaces, by hand. It's really cool. He is pushing the 24 k gold strand on this steel that is set in wax so that it won't move. It was pretty darn amazing.
Ya, boys playing with swords, I totally could take him.
Now we introduce one of the greatest games of all time. The name: Oreo Madness. How to play: everyone in the group gets an oreo, you twist it in half, the half without cream you eat right away. Then on the count of 3 everyone licks the side with cream and sticks it to their forehead. From there you try to be the first to eat the oreo...without using your hands. You have to wiggle and wrinkle your face to get the oreo to slide down your face, when it gets to your mouth you have to grab it with your tongue before it falls. If it falls you relick and restick. First one to get it to his mouth wins. Adam on the right there is the one who introduced us to this brilliant game, he then dominated us all. Good times had by all.
Carine and I-post oreo madness
The five of us at a pizza restaurant. It was good.
Blake, Dan, Andrea, and Noah, just chilling at this really cool scenic overlook of the city of Toledo. We did this on our way out of town, it was beautiful. Well that's all for now. More to come soon. of my first haircut in spain! and pictures of the new house. And probably a lot of pics of Daniel, Adriel, Dad and I because they are all coming in over the next 2 days! WooHoo!

3 comentarios:

Foolish Thing Nine dijo...

Hmm, Oreos and tongues... I'm actually kind of surprised you didn't come up with that game years ago.
And, when we did Don Quixote as a musical, weren't you the evil guy? Just checking.

B. D. Mooneyham dijo...

Are you gonna get to catch March Madness?

Anónimo dijo...

Yeah, are you able to print off a bracket somewhere?? Things are getting pretty tense here. Just FYI, Sports Illustrated and the SportsGuy have both predicted KU to win it all. So I guess there's no chance of that now. It's already a semi-victory seeing K-State, Syracuse, Bucknell, and Bradley all stuck in the NIT. Losers.