jueves, 15 de marzo de 2007

Family and Malaga

So DnA and Dad came to Sevilla this past week. It was freaking awesome. So here are some pics of our times together. This is in the Alcazar Gardens. It was beautiful.
Ya so there were these cute ducks, so I started feeding them and one finally ate out of my hands. They were pretty fun. I think I must be eating one of my cookies right here, they were good.
Awwwwwww....DnA (that's my sister and brother in law if you didn't know that) at the gardens.
Dad and Adriel at the top of the Giralda, the tower at the cathedral in Sevilla. I forgot to take my camera off of sepia:)
Me at the cathedral, wearing my pretty sweet VanNistelrooy jersey from when he played on Manchester United.
At my old senora's house. That's my old senora with her back to me. This is the flat that the fam stayed at.
So after DnA left Saturday morning, dad and I decided, what the heck? let's go to Malaga! it's on the costa del sol in Spain so let's go hang out on the beach. So we went to Malaga and stayed with Ruth and Boaz, two missionaries from our church in Topeka. And this is a pretty tight picture.
This is me with the bull fighting stadium in the background, and the beach of course.
Dad with Ruth and Boaz. They were so wonderful. They had no clue we were coming, and we had no way to warn them. So when we got to Malaga we just found a phonebook and called them up and said, hey...we're in Malaga, can we stay the night? And they said yes and took us to this incredible restaurant and let us sleep in their house and took us to their church the next day. I must insert a story here. After church we went to eat at the house of another family from their church. They also work in the mission with Ruth and Boaz, who by the way are Moroccan, so their main language is Arabic. Anyway the people with whom we ate were from bethlehem, so they spoke Arabic too. I was the only person at the table who was bilingual. Normally you'd say, hey that's impressive or cool. But in this case it was because I was the only person who only knew 2 languages! The parents and kids all spoke arabic, english, and spanish. The grandma also spoke German. Ruth and Boaz speak classic Arabic, moroccan arabic, english, spanish, and french. And dad of course knows hebrew and greek as well as english. Incredible. And the meal? We ate rabbit. A ridiculously huge rabbit from Germany. And the other parts of the meal were middle eastern random foods. It was the most culture I will ever experience at a meal...ever.
And this is the beach dad and I hung out on for a couple hours before we headed back to Sevilla. Good times, good times. It was of course hard to say goodbye (to yesterday...) to the family, but it was so fun to see them. I'm excited to be heading up to Scotland to see DnA in a month so that will be superfun.
Many of you have asked what I am going to do about march madness. Yes of course I've already filled out brackets online. I will be using espn.com's instant updater whenever I can. I've already been reading tons of articles etc, getting ready for the festivities. I hear this is a restaurant here run by an American called Tex-Mex, where many people watched the superbowl. It is possible that they are going to show some games there, so hopefully I'll get to catch a couple, even if they are ridiculously late.
I was also thinking, far be it from me to stop anyone from sending me a package just because I didn't give them my address...so in case you feel the urge to send me gummy bears or something, here's my address.

Craig Congdon
Paseo de Cristina 1-3
Entreplanta A-B
Sevilla Spain 41001

And to finish off I'll give you the quick version of a tale of immeasurable sadness, that you will all undoubtedly laugh at. Saturday morning when I was going to say gbye to DnA at their place I wore a hoodie and put my phone in the pocket. Upon arriving I had to pee, really bad. So I went to the bathroom and peed, and having finished peeing before I had the chance to flush the toilet, I just slightly moved my upper body causing my phone to fall straight into the very yellow liquid in the toilet. After a second of hesitation I plunged my hand into my own pee to recover my phone. I washed it off in the sink, then gave it a couple days to dry out, but all to no avail. It is broken, and it's gonna cost me about 35 euros, (around $50) to replace it. Oh and my ipod broke 2 weeks ago. So my electronics aren't doing so well over here. So if you have an ipod you want to sell for cheap, or if a friend wants to dump one to get a new one, let me know. That's all for now. Tune in soon for pictures of my school...I swear I'll put them up sometime. Oh and I'm going to Morocco tomorrow, so you'll get some pictures of camels this next week. Alright I'm done.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Nice fotos, good memories, especially the fried fish (NOT!), train ride talk, Malaga, and your informal tours of Sevilla. So are you gonna send me your Madness picks, or what?

Pureblood Prince dijo...

Oh man, i was definitely laughing at the phone story. iPod in RC and now phone in toilet. Classic. Sad about the iPod though, i'll keep my ears open.

Wish i could come out to see ya, looks like great times. Rock Chalk Jayhawk baby!