lunes, 5 de febrero de 2007


oh i hate how it puts these in backwards, aight sorry about this, but you get it all backwards:) Me feeding birds outside the mosque
So when the Christians conquered Cordoba they decided to build a cathedral...Indside the mosque. Ya's a big mosque
the mosque, called "un bosque de columnas" a "forest of columns"
Part of the cathedral inside the mosque
Outside of the mosque. This is my grammar and art history prof.
The Samson pose. I've taken a lot of pictures like this. So cool story behind these ruins. It's the ruins of a city that a Califa (Muslim ruler) built. It's basically his palace city, but he named it after his favorite mistress. Then since she liked snow, but it doesn't snow near Cordoba, he planted orange trees, whose blossoms are white. So when the orange trees blossomed they covered the ground in white blossoms that made it look like snow. He was a pimp.
Adam and I...ya I've taken a lot of these pictures too. Maybe I'll get paid for this one too.
Sweet view on the way out to Cordoba. Most beautiful scenery yet.
So that was my trip. I did get to see the super bowl, thank goodness, I just had to stay up til 5am last night to see it, and got up for class at 8...awesome. Well that's it for now. Tune in later for more.

5 comentarios:

Pureblood Prince dijo...

good work on seeing the super bowl. i hope old church people see the picture of you getting freaky with the column and call your dad.

B. D. Mooneyham dijo...

How are the sambas working out for you?

craigers dijo...

hey beamer, sambas are great, yesterday I jumped a fence (which is actually becoming a rather common practice of mine) and played soccer with two 25/30 year old Barcelona studs. It was pretty sweet. I told them I was from the states, and they were surprised that I was good at soccer instead of bball or baseball. fun stuff

Anónimo dijo...

So how was Barcelona?

Pureblood Prince dijo...

i'm with dadsville. i hope you took pics of the game or at least give us a rundown on your adventure.